Baby, you can drive my Ukraine.

I'm on vacation and there is a lot to report:

Image of a car being towed on our street:

Police officer sits in car and makes the announcement on a bullhorn loud speaker:
"If this car is yours, you better come and move it or we will tow it."
waits 5 seconds.

"If this car is yours, you better come and move it or we will tow it."
waits five more seconds.

"If this car is yours, you better come and move it or we will tow it."

"If this car is yours, you better come and move it or we will tow it."
"If this car is yours, you better come and move it or we will tow it."

Said person who owns car - fails to hear the announcement (note: we do not often stay within shouting distance of our cars when we park them) and car is towed away. We consider claiming the car - as it would make grocery shopping much easier. Alas, car is now towed and we will continue our shopping pursuits with a "Shuk Cart" that we are told everyone uses in Israel - except it appears only Rabbinical students and 90 year old grandmothers actually do.

In other news...
As part of my schools "Former Soviet Union Pesach Project," I'm going to be leading Passover seders in Simferopol, Yivpatoriya, and Sevastopol, Ukraine. I'm grateful for your support - to donate, make sure you specify "FSU Pesach Project Jen Gubitz"

In other news...
I cannot wait for my next taxi ride because...
Hartman to Ordain Orthodox Women Rabbis

More to come on the trip to Istanbul - stay tuned for stories about Cuban Jewish Communist Spies, four visits to Starbucks and more!


  1. definitely file that under "only in israel";-)

  2. well, passover is after rachel and doug's wedding, so seders should be the icing on the sponge cake, so to speak! what a month you'll have! enjoying your posts. :)mom c.

  3. I know some good people in Hillels of Simferopol and Sevastopol. I'll say a word for you.


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