Quick Update and Pictures

I just got back from Turkey and started classes again on Sunday.
Turkey was beautiful, scalding hot, and a generally interesting vacation. Our hotel was...well, lets just say the best part about it was checking out. But the beach was relaxing and their local alcohol, Raki, nauseating.
Things are pretty busy but a friend brought me a bag of starbucks coffee, so life is looking up.

Wishing you a great day off for Labor Day, Happy New Year, Happy Columbus Day, and Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day.

For your viewing pleasure...

Life Before HUC

Israel Part I

Israel and TurkeyLink


  1. Coffee Time, on Jaffa Road, is a California chain and just like Starbucks (i.e. overpriced).

    Try the Israeli coffee chains (Arcafe, Hillel, Aroma) for coffee that is far better than what's available in the US.

  2. Yay thanks for posting pictures! Looks like you're having a great time, and you look great too by the way! :) I know April is a long way away, but I'm looking forward to seeing you! xo


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