Yom Yevava: Whole, Broken, Whole Again.
Yom Yevava : Whole, Broken, Whole Again. Erev Rosh Hashanah 5776 | Temple Shir Tikva Rabbi Jen Gubitz The golden sands swirled. The air was thick with sadness. She hoped they would return soon. But three days had since passed. And no word. Yet. She forced herself to stand and drawing the crimson cord of a tent flap, she opened it. She looked out. But all that was there were the golden sands swirling and an ever thickening sadness. And our matriarch, Sarah, cried. In agony, she wailed. She beat her chest. Where was Abraham? And where was Isaac? God gave me Isaac as my joy, my laughter, she recalled between her tears. And for a moment a smile creeped into the corners of her mouth - recalling the laughter in her belly that there would finally be a baby in her belly… But then Sarah remembered her grief, her smile retreated and she cried out, and she sobbed. Yom Yevava - it was a day of sobbing. Can you hear her cries? The anguish of a parent fearing for a child...