
Showing posts from March, 2014

Parashat Sh’mini - Hearing Silence

Parashat Sh’mini - Hearing Silence In Memory of Elissa Froman, z'l April 5, 2013 ~ 26 Nissan 5773 Rabbi Jen Gubitz Source texts drawn from Nehama Leibowitz’s New Studies in Vayikra There was a hush in the room. What to say? What not to say? Amid the silence, memories, stories, feelings came alive. And though she was no longer, and we were speechless, there was so much to say, and yet no one spoke. But the silence as it often does said more than words ever could.   In the beginning and in the end, we listen - for a sign of breath, for a sign of life... In the last breath, and before the first breath - we listen into the silence. Silence is technically the complete absence of sound. But living, we know, breathing is quite noisy. And so actually is silence. We listen, we hear even in the deafening quiet. ** In this week's Torah portion, Sh'mini, Vayidom Aharon And Aaron was silent. His ...