Sh’lach Lecha: Wrapped Tightly in Tzit Tzit
Sh'lach Lecha: Wrapped Tightly in Tzit Tzit May 31, 2013 ~ 23 Sivan 5773 Rabbi Jen Gubitz, Temple Shir Tikva The fringes dangled between their fingers as they grasped on tightly to their newest baby. Over their shoulders a tallit worn with memory swaddled their now family of four. But their young son, unenthused with this ritual of welcome to his new sister squeezed away into another room. “Caleb! Come back!” His dad called. “I don’t want to,” he replied. “But don’t you want to play a game and hide under this fringy blanket?!” Enticed quite quickly back into the four corners of his family’s tradition, the rabbi chanted the priestly benediction, and a new baby girl entered the covenant of the Jewish people. Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam, Asher Kid’shanu B’mitz’votav Vitzivanu L’hit’a’tef Ba’Tzit Tzit. Blessed are You, Ruling Spirit of the Universe, Who has Sanctified Us With your Mitzvot, ...