4 Packs a Day
While picking and brining Olives at Kibbutz Gezer with a group of jailed convicts going through a rehabilitation program - the following exchange occurred: Shalom Yen v'Evan! Immediately, one climbed into a tree to shake down the olives, a few more lounged eating fruit from a nearby tree, we were all hanging out until our supervisor came over and told us to get our asses into gear. "Jane, Evan - want a cigarra?" asks the man in Nike sneakers and a little bit of bling. I respond - לא תודה- No, thanks. So, uh, how many do you smoke a day anyways? "Jean, שנימ בארוכת בוקר. שנימ בארוכת ערב 2 packs for breakfast. 2 for dinner." It seems that Jen is a difficult name to say in Hebrew. 4 Packs a Day. A balanced meal for an Israeli inmate, I suppose. *** Yusef sat back and took a deep breath - נשמה עמוקה. Yusef the master olive picker - "He's the best, you know" - said the others. Yusef, when did you learn to do this? "When I was young boy - six ...